Saturday, 18 August 2007


Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.
~ Billy Crystal

Hehe.. posted this video on youtube since it'll take a long time if i were to send it on msn..
Hm... the female tortoise looks really reluctant to copulate huh.. but the male doesn't seem to care a hoot! haha.. pardon my voice there!

Friday, 17 August 2007

Night Life

It's the 2nd week at school already.. :( My life has taken a drastic turn for the past two weeks.. from a major shopaholic to a MUGGING aficionado. and there is REALLLY nothing to blog about the last boring 2 weeks (going for lectures, doing tutorials, killing worms etc). And from what I saw from Hr's blog, his recent birthday pre-celebration seems so fun, I've decided to blog about my night life during the holidays!

But apparently, I only have pictures from Clinic.. (forgot to bring camera to Zouk!!.. WHY!!)

The 7 of us.. at the 'medical' sofa outside Clinic :)

I always thought clinic was juz a normal pub, with some medical equipment.. I din expect them to have a dance floor!! But it was a major disappointment at Clinic really.. It was FRIDAY night!! but there were so few ppl that they didnt open the 2nd floor..

Plus..! I really thought there'd be cool gadgets inside Clinic, like surgical desk and those green oversized cloaks... But there were NONE of those there! the only 'medical thing' that I saw was that the table was the shape of a capsule... Disappointing!! AND AND.. the dance floor was pathetic!! the number of ppl dancing there can be counted within 2 hands!! and the music was crappy! oh wells.. at least there was good company!

The guys still not high yet!! ok... maybe except for desmond.. haha, that's the one in the centre!

We are not high too!! though we had ALOT of drinks..! Yanling's totally red!! Hai, so after the disappointment from Clinic, we decided to leave for supper..

A last picture before we leave... look at the equipment behind!! its a SURGICAL TABLE!! haha..

The 3 MUSKETEERS at macdonalds!! hehe..

We are NOT RED!

Yanling is RED!

It always fun to make stupid faces during SUPPER!! hehe..

Can't wait for Hr to bring me over to melbourne. Gotta experience their clubs... sounds so GOOD! ok.. enough daydreaming!! I've gotta go back and dig my flat nose to endless tutorials...

Saturday, 11 August 2007

Weekends are finally here!! Ive been enjoying and partying with friends over the last 3 months of holiday.. and so for the first weekend since school started, I'm determined to spend the weekends with my family *proud of myself :D

Nothing much really happened in school, but a lot of ppl complained about neurobio (including ME! its damn freakin hard!) the 4 of us (me, lishi, june and karen) bought the book and dragging it home made my 1.5 hours of travelling seem even longer :(

I mean, come ON! even the title looks disgusting, can you even imagine reading the contents?? and not to mention the thickness of the book.. its 1000+ pages for heaven's sake! Ok, we don't have to learn the ENTIRE book, but seriously, a FEW pages is enough to kill!

Hmm... maybe the only thing that's good about the book is that when you carry it on the train, with the spine of the book facing out.. you can literally feel the turn of the commuters' head to the book.. probably thinkin to themselves "is that a neuroscientist sitting opposite me?" HAHA!!

**and before I end, it's hongrui's 21st birthday next monday!! yay! You're gonna have the "KEY" soon!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! may you enjoy this very special day with good friends in Australia. it's a pity I can't be there to celebrate.. *sad.. but at least we could have another post-celebration when you come back! hee... looking forward to it!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007


School's started yesterday and I'm already starting to feel panicky .. esp after neurobio lecture. And i'm beginning to miss old school days, especially in poly.. Can't believe i used to complain about how poly life is so stressful!! In NTU, you wish you were dead... well.. not so exaggerating.. but you get the picture.

Oh well.. was looking through past photos and it actually helped in destressing! But nevertheless, there's always some tinge of sadness there.. when you see so many friends going overseas for higher education.. sigh... missing all those who went overseas!

At least it's comforting to know you'll all be back soon! *keeps fingers crossed!

Update on Holis

I'm supposed to start this blog like ages ago.. well maybe not ages.. but at the start of the holiday. But its the HOLIDAYS! you're supposed to be enjoying and playing and all... and starting a blog is the least of all the things that I want to do..

So.. Im starting it now.. when I've already started school.. which is the MOST idiotic thing to do.. seeing i'll have no time to update at all until the next holidays. SO, I've come to my own conclusion..
BLOGGING IS NOT MY THING! But I'll still try.. REALLY try.. to update my friends and my special one in Australia.

So, for a start, I guess it'll be good to have an update on my holidays.. since school life will be so BORING there'll be nothing to blog about..
Hmm.. lets see.. Maybe i'll update on the 2 camps i've been to.. since those were the most recent events that occured. joined the Programmers and had a REALLY GREAT time! Takhent 07 was a major sucess (except for SP night- it was a total fiasco) and I'm sure all the programmers enjoyed 'torturing' the freshies. HAH!

Programmers galore!

During pool games.. it was raining outside so everyone was taking shelter!

Ghosts Galore! in changi chalet!! We don't look that scary with the lightings on.. but we WERE! A few freshies actually cried!!

I was quite apprehensive about the whole idea of having fright night in changi chalet.. especially when there were so many rumours going on about how changi bungalow chalets are haunted and so on.. and friends around me know how sensitive I was on the 'ghost' topic. But NOTHING HAPPENED! And a great deal of fun scaring the freshies!

Another ghost photo! I was supposed to ask the freshes to comb my hair while I recite my sad story of how I was raped and murdered and so on... There should be a 'lipstick' scar on the side of my face but apparently it's blocked by my hair.. So much for the Makeup!

SP (Secret pal or partner or whatever it's called) night! That night was a major letdown.. there were too many girls than guys (ratio was 6:1) and we couldn't pair the girls with the guys.. so in the end.. the entire plan was scrapped off and it wasn't that fun anymore :(.. nonetheless.. there were still RAUNCHY games so much so that I was a little put off by the games they thought off.

The worst was when a plastic sheet was placed in between a couple with Nutella spread across both sides of the sheet and the couple had to LICK as much of the Nutella AT THE SAME TIME! It's literally Frenching without the tongues actually touching each other! ohh.. and yummy at the same time :-)

So there.. a summary of the Camp!! Don't think i'll be joining FOC next year :( It'll be the last long holiday and it'll be more worth it to enjoy every single day of it :D..

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Test Test

lets see whether this will show up in the webbie...