Monday, 11 August 2008

Penning thoughts.

It's been almost a month since i've updated this almost "abandoned" blog.. and I suppose I should be salvaging this forgotten little website of mine. This month has been a fruitful and should I say, a happy month for me =). Our Korea exchange thingy has been confirmed and we'll be leaving next week!! been busy preparing with all the nitty gritty details like visa, medical checkup and whatnot, and all 5 of our faces spell "cant-wait-to-go-korea!!" hahaaha..

Excitement of going Korea aside, another issue that made this month 'happy' for me was the fact that me and H have resolved our unhappy problems and set aside all other differences, or rather most differences. That 1 week was really a worthwhile week and that expensive air ticket wasn't a waste at all. For those of you who are concerned, we're in a sort of 'open' relationship, and more like close friends now. I'm still unable to give our relationship 100% confidence, and unwilling to give him total trust after the whole 'drama- mama' episode. And we both know that a relationship requires 100% commitment with complete trust. With me lacking this trust in him, it might be better to be apart for now. Even so, the chemistry that we have for each other remains strong and I dun think this chemistry will ever fade after 5 yrs of love. Anyway, the 1 yr that we'll be apart will still remain a challenge to us both. But as wad my lovely wise LS said," if he's meant to be, he's meant to be." Who knows, we might be back together again after this 1 yr =)

Gawd, it feels really good being able to write all these mushy relationship stuff. I've never really been able to discuss all these and strangely, the little locket hiding in the corner of my heart feels liberated and refreshed! hahaha.. ok.. sounds so drama again.. BACK To Korea excitement!! This'll be my last week in sunny island Singapore b4 i head off to the ann-yeong haseyo island. Probably due to 2 yrs of being a hall residence, I've grown not to miss my family when I'm away! hahaha.. it's either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you see it. But one thing's for sure, when we're out shopping, family will be no. 2!!! But i'll definitely miss friends!! rushing to all my friends gatherings this week, and I really hope to have at least a meal with all of these lovely friends before missing them for 4 months.. sob

woah... feels like a long entry I've written and boy it does feel satisfying penning down all my thoughts to words.. and may i add that blog writing can be quite taxing to the brain and I think i need some rest... hahahah.. so see y'all!! next update will be in korea! =D =D =D

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