Thursday, 10 July 2008

Outings galore!

been MIA-ing for a while.. and this post has been under draft for the past week cos i'm too lazy to blog. Though work's always boring, but my girlfriends always make life happening for me after work. MUACKS to you all!

First up! dinner at jap restaurant..

And tinkerbell juz came back from taiwan.. with lotsa goodies from there!! yum!!

Doesn't this look mysteriously like a sanitary pad? It still comes with wings!
It's a marshmallow!! yum! the 'pads' do taste quite good actually, just a little sweet for my liking.. but it's just so cute!! and i can't bear to throw the packaging away..
and this is totally unrelated... but guess i'll post it up anyw.. went cycling w mr lim at ecp. for those who din know, i'm really bad at cycling and i'll normally 'langa' into trees or drains.. but this time.. i feel like i'm a total pro! hahah! i've learnt to cycle with one hand and i din 'langa' into anything!
ok.. excitedness aside, i was trying to capture a pic of mr lim and ended up.. he looked constipated.. haha!! sorry!! i told you to smile but you gave that expression... so can't blame me right.. :p

then he tried to take a pic of me... but i din let him haha :p
I want to have another cycling outing soon! but this time... we'll include more ppl... the more the merrier! yipps!!

And another outing with my beloved girlfriends!! oh how much i love you all.. hugs!! back to pasta cafe at taka waiting for LS to be released from work..

Our solo pics!!

PY and SY

And after LS arrived, major group photos..

YEA!! it's been a great week so far.. and now... another week of work awaits me. -_- sucks having to work.. but i need the money to compensate for my spendings during GSS.. haha! ohh! and next week's the last week of GSS.. so there's gonna be major sales and that means more shopping!! woohoo! haha..

Back to depressing topics.. The korea uni still hasn't provided us with our acceptance packages.. and it's worrying cos we're supposed to fly next month and everything's not been settled yet.. *crosses fingers tightly that we'll get our acceptance package soon... I dun wanna stay in NTU next sem without a hall!!

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