Thursday, 27 September 2007


I've got a hall!! In hall 16 too... fyi, its air-conditioned and huge compared to hall 8.. all thanks to jasmine, andy and sophia!!! thanks thanks thanks!!!

Hai.. but too bad.. will be living with a roomie whom I don't know.. a little apprehensive to be living with someone unknown.. but hey! on the up side.. I can make new friends and I can save a whole lot more time travelling.. Guess I'll be moving in on sunday juz before the holidays end..

Hmm.... not sure whether i'll be able to adapt to hall life after such a long time.. but considering the fact that there'll be mountains of reports to do after the term break.. i guess time is really golden and if i can cut short the travelling time... why not?? But i'll definitely miss yanling and shermaine... sob sob... :(

And oh!! i've jus signed up for facebook! I mean.. until now I still don't know how it functions.. but it's quite fun really.. I juz add all the features that my friends sent to me... and just try all the stupid buttons to see what it really is.. haha.... guess i just need a little more time to accustom to it.

And the last sad part of my life: its almost the end of the holidays!! one week holidays is really not enough! Not just for playing... but even if I have to bury myself studying all the notes for an entire week, its still not enough!! Someone has really got to change the system and extend the holidays a little bit more... say 2 weeks!! haha... though its not that possible.. but still!! there's only 4 days to the start of school.. and there's still so much studying to be done!! not fair.. i want to go to unimelb too..... :(

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