Friday, 5 October 2007

garden stuff

Remember the caterpillar that was about to about a cocoon... it DID become a cocoon recently.. and its beautiful!!

It's really camouflaged to mimic a leaf-like structure.. and i almost touched it just to see whether it's really a leaf... EEWW!!! lucky i din touch it..

And this is one cocoon that didn't make it... i don't know wad happened to it.. but my best conjecture was that it probably didn't manage to eat enough leaves to survive the cocoon stage.. Poor thing... who asked you all to eat all the leaves... now you've all starved to death!

Pile of shit beneath the pot... gross... I'm not going to be the one to clear it out

On a lighter note, the bonsai plant next to this dying plant is blooming.. it's like really rare to see flowers growing on it and I thought i should take a picture before all the flowers fall out

Hee... i really have nothing better to do.. but things in the garden are really interesting!! if only i can get to see the butterfly emerging from the cocoon!! =)

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