I love you gals!
Thanks Lao Ma and Maine!
Lots of cam-whoring while waiting for Lao Ma to reach Suntec..

Finally, dinner at Pastamania at freakin 9pm!
Thanks Lishi Pekyu and Shiying!
And also many thanks to Karen, June, Lishi, Joseph, YC, Siqi etc etc.. we always didn't manage to take any pics. but i'll make sure that the next time we meet.. we must take many many pics!
and before I start work.. i really need to hang out more often with all my dear friends.. especially when I'm going to Korea for exchange soon. First up! Butter FAC! with my dear ELINE! oo. i simply can't wait..
eeee...no fair..u all went out w/o me!! =p
shopping rocks!! haha.. more to come in korea!! glad u're coping well in your life.. :)
same..no fair!..i didn't get to go out!
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