Friday, 20 June 2008

Holidays are the best times!

Went to Zouk lately.. supposedly to meet up with my dear Eline who juz came back from UK. But I ended up with gera, shiying, wenlin and their friends.. haha! and I din get to hang out much with Eline.. but it's ok! there's still lots of time for hanging out sessions. What with all the unhappy events going on in the last few weeks, I'm determined to make my holidays worthwhile filled with laughter and fun!

Waiting at the mrt station for Wenlin...

Gera and Michael!

With dear Shiying and Eline!

Wenlin and Shiying

Shiying and Rafael!

Rafael, Louis and Fabian

And Wenlin's friend, Francis (I think)

Next up! Kbox session with poly and uni friends.. and shopping before GSS ends

Monday, 16 June 2008

好眼淚壞眼淚 徐若瑄

I totally Heart this song!

我曾 認真 深愛著一個人 他給我幸福 的可能

我等 我問 未來何時發生 他只是給我一個吻

快樂 我哭 是因為你的手 曾答應帶我向前走

難過 我哭 是因為我的手 找不到你說的 以後

好眼淚 壞眼淚 我都曾為你流


只不過 在你不再愛我了以後


快樂 我哭 是因為我付出 得到你溫柔的答覆

難過 我哭 是因為我認輸 你的心永遠留不住

好眼淚 壞眼淚 我都曾為你流


只希望 在我不再想你了之後


Friday, 13 June 2008

I love my Friends!

So the girls and me have been hanging out lately and they were a great company! What with all the encouragement they've given me.. and also shopping tips with the ongoing GSS.. and all I can say is...

I love you gals!
Thanks Lao Ma and Maine!

Lots of cam-whoring while waiting for Lao Ma to reach Suntec..

Finally, dinner at Pastamania at freakin 9pm!

Thanks Lishi Pekyu and Shiying!

And also many thanks to Karen, June, Lishi, Joseph, YC, Siqi etc etc.. we always didn't manage to take any pics. but i'll make sure that the next time we meet.. we must take many many pics!

and before I start work.. i really need to hang out more often with all my dear friends.. especially when I'm going to Korea for exchange soon. First up! Butter FAC! with my dear ELINE! oo. i simply can't wait..

Thursday, 12 June 2008

For all shoppers out there!

Labels or Love

I already know what my addiction is

I be looking for labels, I ain’t looking for love

I shop for purses while I walk out the door

Don’t cry, buy a bag and then get over it

And, I’m not concerned with all the politics

It’s a lot of men I know I could find another one.


Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Dearest __

It's so over.. I'm still dazed by the events that took place yesterday and I still held on to the belief that everything was just a joke.. but it's not.. it's real, and nothing will ever change that fact. Why did it happen so suddenly? Do you even realise u're throwing away our 5 year relationship just like that?

U said i was insensitive.. sure i was.. i admitted that.. i apologised repeatedly. I'm not sure whether you accepted my apologies, but it was sincere. You told other ppl that i was insensitive.. I'm alright w that.. it was the truth, it was necessary to get it out of your heart. How about times when u yrself were insensitive? There were days where i hoped that you would initiate a conversation w me on msn.. days where i hoped that you would initiate to start a webcam.. I had no one to complain to.. or rather.. i din want to complain to them because i thot we should trust each other. Maybe you're busy, studying hard, cooking, watching tv whatever..

Anticipating to meet you has been killing me for the last few months. After crying a few days after you left for australia every sem., i told myself life goes on, and in my heart there's a hope telling me that i can meet you in just another 3 months. And just next week, after anticipating for 3months, i could already meet you.. but your heart already belongs to someone else.

So for the last few days when you were cracking jokes.. it was all a pretense.. you were a really good actor you know.. great for acting the role of a jerk, or a bastard, or a fucker.. whatever.. u hoped we could still be friends? well.. u're welcome to kiss my arse.

And you know what? I won't allow myself to be sad over you.. because you're so not worth it.. oh, and i sincerely wish you will win over the heart of that unlucky girl.. seriously.. No, i'm not being sarcastic or anything.. i really hope you both can get into a relationship..

Thank goodness you told me b4 i was going into australia.. i can't imagine being stuck w a jerk for 1 entire month sleeping next to you.. you'll see.. I'm going to start life all anew and emerge as a stronger girl than i ever will be.. and you can just go fuck off

PS. I love my family and i love all my friends.. thanks for standing by me when i'm at my lowest and making me feel that my life shouldn't just revolve around him.