Friday, 28 September 2007


Met up with yanling today for dinner... i walked to where we were supposed to meet, the path which i used to take to go to school when i was just Sec 1 and 2. As i walked.. I just felt like walking on this path forever.. and not ever stop. It's a strange feeling, walking on that path which i haven't took for the past 7 years.
Then i reached my old secondary school, which I attended in Sec 1/2 before moving to the new school. And i can see the canteen, the basketball court and the classrooms. The old kampung school hasn't changed a single bit. It's more tattered and torn, nobody's living in there and the weeds are growing everywhere..
It's abit like going into an uninhabited old castle where the plants grow everywhere covering the castle into a pathetic state. Though the school is like a haunted building now, with weed infestation, but I seriously hope it'll stay this way.. old and weed infested.. and curious.
After meeting yanling at the main gate, we headed for the church just next to our school. Though Im a buddhist, but being in a catholic for 12 years (including kindergarten), there's some sort of magical bond between the church and me, and sitting in a church made me feel really relaxed and at peace with myself.
I din pray for anything, i was just absorbing the environment surrounding me, looking at peple singing hymns, people praying, people kneeling, people giving thanks... sigh... if only i had brought my camera, I'd love to show off the church as well as my weed infested secondary school... pristine and clean..
sigh... if only i can return to those days.. carefree and relaxed.. with no troubles at all

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