Tuesday, 26 August 2008

fishy fishy fishy

Lovely weather today = lovely outing! Our student voluteers came to pick us and we had ginseng chicken for lunch! it may seem like a common thing in singapore but ginseng chicken in Korea is alot different. The soup was bland and they added glutinous rice in the soup... so it's a dish by itself. Supposedly, the heat from the ginseng chicken is supposed to counter the heat in Summer, so it's really quite cool.

Apart from the ginseng chicken, they served us ginseng alcohol as well! Alcohol content wasn't high (about 10%) but it tasted really yummy and good for our health! I drank the most cos june didn't really like it and i drank her portion =P.

' Traditional' way of pouring wine... like not much different from singapore.

And ginseng chicken!

And we got ourselves transportation cards to travel around korea! it's similar to EZ link cards but the cards can be hung around the handphone and they're cute!! So much better than in Singapore!

Mine and LS's.

Next up... Jagalchi Fish Market!

i saw this really cute boy playing with some metal pole stuff and i couldnt resist taking a picture of him

Us and our student voluteers.

Went to this park later but i couldn't remember the name.

Had candy art while shopping in Nampo- dong. Apparently, the uncle's famous in korea for candy art, appeared in variety shows for his candy and travels around selling his candy art. Just walk up to him and tell him the figure that you wish to have.. and he'll draw it out using heated candy.

This deer was given to us by our student voluteers and the eminent uncle drew it out in less than 5 minutes and sealed it in a transparent bag for us!

so that's all folks!

School's starting soon and we're all dreading it =(. Hopefully we'll be able to take lesser subjects and plan the timetable to a 3/4 day week. Really wanna seoul soon... sooo... keeping my fingers crossed!!

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Haeundae Beach

Went to Haeundae Beach recently, a world famous tourist attraction, and it was really great! Haha, on our way there, we made many interesting discoveries on the subway. Their subways doesn't restrict food and drinks.. and they even have vending machines for drinks for the commuters! Isn't that totally amazing? If only Singapore allows drinks on trains.

Vending machine for drinks

Some outfits in case of chemical warfare or terrorism in the trains

Anyway, June wore winter clothing cos she thot it'll be cold (she even brought an extra jacket!). In the end, the sun was scorching hot and she had to get a new top. In the end, Karen and LS bought the same top as June!!

And i took a pic with the 2 mickey mouse!!

Back to Haeundae Beach.The waves are HUGE, unlike those of Sentosa or ECP, and the seawater is cooling when it touches our feet. Lots of people just slacking under tents and of cos.. lotsa girls in tiny bikinis.

Credits to english.triptokorea.com.

A pity we were wearing jeans, all of us had to fold our jeans up.. and poor me still have to fold princesses' jeans =(.

our jeans were soaked in no time. But that didn't dampen our spirits at all.. and we continued playing with the 'korean' water.

We took so many pics I realised i can't possibly upload the pics one at a time... so I made a collage!

And a last group pic!

Next up, went to the Haeundae Aquarium (similar to Underwater World). In fact, the 16000 won that spent for the entry was worth it. There were 2 sections in the aquarium, both permeated with myriads of fishes.. Singapore's Underwater world totally pale in comparison to Haeundae Aquarium, except for the fact that Underwater World has a travellator.. haha! Enough of talking, and let the pics take the honours!!

Inumerable fishes in the aquarium! pictures doesn't do justice to the splendour of the aquarium, but it really was great!!

Turkish ice cream next!! As usual, the ice cream man played tricks with us before handling us the ice cream.. hehe... he even wanted to take pic with me!! but err.... kinda afraid of him after that.. hahah!

And that's all for day 3 at Haeundae Beach!! More to come.. check it out! =)

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Stepping Away from Sunny Island

Ann-yeong haseyo Singapore! It’s going to be a long post, owing to the number of pics took over the last week as well as fascinating discoveries in Korea. We’re into our 3rd day in Korea, AND facing a huge problem – Language barriers! Firstly, the people here ONLY speak Korean, with incredibly limited English. Especially when ordering food, we have to point to the picture of the food that we want to eat - all sorta sign language that we could possibly think of have already been displayed.

Great gatherings with old school girls from Primary all the way to Poly! Shall let the pictures do the talking. I already miss all my friends and family and it's only the 3rd day! This is nnooooootttt Gooooooddd! Nevertheless.. I'm still gonna have fun in korea.. afterall, it's not everyday you get to exchange in a foreign country!

Starting with poly, met up with naima!! omg.. its been ages since we met up! Exactly the same as before.. no change! The gathering was a wee bit disappointing though.. we were supposed to have a whole class gathering and only the 4 of us turned up =( Despite the low turnout, the meetup was still great and naima was a great entertainment (as usual!).

Next up! with my sisters.. thanks passionfruit and tinkerbell for the great steamboat dinner. It'll be another 4 months before we can have another gathering but the bond that we share shall never diminish! had lotsa bo liao pics taken before heading home but oh well.. it's to compensate for 4 months of not meeting up!

And no less to my dear Eline! Been at least 4 years since we met up, and was a lil bit nervous before meeting her - afraid of being unable to initiate a conversation, afraid of running out of topics etc. But it was a great meet up afterall! we had an incredible reminiscence of our school days and had plenty of gossips to share. and of cos! we camwhored alot... and shopped ALOT! thanks girl! i'll miss you alot when you go back to UK... who knows when we can meet up again.. sob =(

At the airport. It was again, a warm gathering with friends and family. Due to the flight schedule, alot of ppl couldn't make it, but hey! it's only for 4 months.. and it'll pass pretty quickly =). Thanks to all those who could make it though!!

At the plane towards Thailand. It was LS's first time on a plane and she was pretty excited. However, it was a night flight for our flight from Thailand to Korea, and it was super impossible to even sleep. maybe im not accustomed to sleeping in a sitting posture, but it was highly uncomfortable for me and the next day was hell for me with hardly any sleep at all =(.

Day 1 in KoRea! we were completey lost in the streets cos all the signboards were in korean. Thanks to Peter and Sunny (our student guides) to bring us around and helping us to settle in our guesthouses. Without them, we'll be like those stranded cats lurking around the streets =(.

Went to Emart to get our daily necessities and there was a shelf filled completely with sanitary pads! haha.. not that singapore doesn't have any shelves filled with sanitary pads, but i juz find that the pads were stacked up so neatly and they look more like food instead of pads!

The food here in Busan is pretty cheap as well (ranging from $2-5) compared to Seoul (according to Serene it ranges $6-9). Korean food definitely taste much better than in Singaporeoo much of a good thing is bad!!, but i reckon all of us will be sick of it by the end of 2 weeks =(. Haha.. too much of a good thing is bad!!

Gawd! Finished writing Day 1.. and I still have more to go! Well.. at least it's something to be done when I get back the guesthouse at night.. and I'll perservere in updating the entire Korean trip! More shopping to be done today.. woohoo!