Sunday, 25 May 2008

Corner with Love

Haven't updated my blog for close to 7 months now.. blame it on my laziness/slackiness/whatever u call it.. i juz cant bring my hands to type anything on this DEAD blog.. like seriously!

anyw, juz finished watching corner with love.. and i totally love it! I used to hate watching taiwanese drama cos they're so teary and cliche and everything, but this particular drama was good. True, the actors don't seem to have any tears when they cry, but the story is kept simple and complicated at the same time, it's juz beautiful.

And i guess i'm really outdated.. I juz realised Luo Zhi Xiang = Xiao Zhu, and I din even know he's been really famous for the past few years.. but he's really quite shuai! oh... and I realised he can sing and dance as well!
haiz.. but there's currently no more good taiwanese drama for me to watch.. so i'll juz stick to my grey's anatomy, which, somehow or another.. has lost its magical (or medical) impact on me. sobs

Mixed Feelings

不管昨天 你對我說過了什麼
今天的我還是依然 依然沉默
兩個人生氣著 看著誰先捨不得
何必這樣 來試探我們的緣份

not easy to maintain....