Saturday, 18 August 2007
~ Billy Crystal
Hehe.. posted this video on youtube since it'll take a long time if i were to send it on msn..
Hm... the female tortoise looks really reluctant to copulate huh.. but the male doesn't seem to care a hoot! haha.. pardon my voice there!
Friday, 17 August 2007
Night Life
The 3 MUSKETEERS at macdonalds!! hehe..
We are NOT RED!
Yanling is RED!
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Hmm... maybe the only thing that's good about the book is that when you carry it on the train, with the spine of the book facing out.. you can literally feel the turn of the commuters' head to the book.. probably thinkin to themselves "is that a neuroscientist sitting opposite me?" HAHA!!
**and before I end, it's hongrui's 21st birthday next monday!! yay! You're gonna have the "KEY" soon!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! may you enjoy this very special day with good friends in Australia. it's a pity I can't be there to celebrate.. *sad.. but at least we could have another post-celebration when you come back! hee... looking forward to it!
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
At least it's comforting to know you'll all be back soon! *keeps fingers crossed!
Update on Holis
Programmers galore!
During pool games.. it was raining outside so everyone was taking shelter!
Ghosts Galore! in changi chalet!! We don't look that scary with the lightings on.. but we WERE! A few freshies actually cried!!
I was quite apprehensive about the whole idea of having fright night in changi chalet.. especially when there were so many rumours going on about how changi bungalow chalets are haunted and so on.. and friends around me know how sensitive I was on the 'ghost' topic. But NOTHING HAPPENED! And a great deal of fun scaring the freshies!
Another ghost photo! I was supposed to ask the freshes to comb my hair while I recite my sad story of how I was raped and murdered and so on... There should be a 'lipstick' scar on the side of my face but apparently it's blocked by my hair.. So much for the Makeup!
The worst was when a plastic sheet was placed in between a couple with Nutella spread across both sides of the sheet and the couple had to LICK as much of the Nutella AT THE SAME TIME! It's literally Frenching without the tongues actually touching each other! ohh.. and yummy at the same time :-)
So there.. a summary of the Camp!! Don't think i'll be joining FOC next year :( It'll be the last long holiday and it'll be more worth it to enjoy every single day of it :D..